REVIEW: A Dinosaur Ate Dad’s Hair by Trent Roberts and Illustrated by Chrissie Krebs

Published: 1st August 2019

Publisher: Omnibus Book from Scholastic Australia

Pages: 24

Format: Hardback picture book (purchased)

RRP: $17.99

3/5 Stars

Dad doesn’t have any hair. At least not on his head. He said it got eaten by a Ty-eat-your-hair-us Rex. But his last explanation is the most ridiculous one of all! 

A silly, crazy, tearing your hair tale… that will leave you baldly laughing.


A Dinosaur Ate Dad’s Hair by Trent Roberts and Illustrated by Chrissie Krebs is sure to be a hit this Father’s Day.

Unconventionally this picture book is a conversation between a child and their father regarding the later’s lack of hair. Dad tells every convincing story he can think of to explain his bald head, and what ensue’s is a funny, laugh-out-loud kind of book that I can see many Father’s receiving this Father’s Day.

Robert’s narrative is simply a conversation between a child and their father. The language used is mostly simply (except for a couple of Dinosaur names) and straight to the point, using humour to get the message across. Kreb’s illustrations, however, pull out the most outlandish parts of the story and empathise them to the ninth degree to create the perfect picture book for younger readers.  Don’t be fooled though, there is plenty in this book to unwrap for older readers as well, as together Roberts and Krebs have worked brilliantly together to create a dual-layer narrative with references that will fly over kids heads.

All in all, A Dinosaur Ate Dad’s Hair is a pretty good picture book and ideal for the Dad’s who wish their kid would stop asking why they are bald!

To purchase a copy of A DINOSAUR ATE DAD’S HAIr by Trent Roberts and Illustrated by Chrissie Krebs, visit the following online retailers:

Booktopia | Dymocks

To learn more about Trent Roberts, visit the following social media sites:


To learn more about Chrissie Krebs, visit the following social media sites:

Chrissie Kreb’s website | Facebook | Instagram | GOODREADS

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