Privacy Policy

When you elect  to subscribe to this blog and thus sign up to receive notifications and emails whenever I post, your email address and any name you elect to leave is stored on a server. This is only done so to allow automatic email notifications to be sent out when I post each new blog post.  I will not use this information to contact you directly, unless stated on the post (i.e. for when I host giveaways and state that the winner will be notified by email).

If you choose to comment on any blog posts, the comment itself, and your user data is herein saved by wordpress in order to identify and respond. The comments are made public, as per your agreement when you make them, and will remain viewable to the public whilst the post is public. Data received in this situation is typically your name, email address and IP address – I do nothing with any of these and will not share email address or IP Addresses (they are not viewable by the public).

On occasion I have used Rafflecopter to run giveaways, when this is done, you are usually asked to enter a name and email address in order to be notified if you are lucky enough to be the winner. This information is stored on/with Rafflecopter. When giveaways are hosted on this blog site specifically, it is usually done via comments, which require a name, email address, and the website stores your IP address in order to identify you and to make it easier to contact the winner. Your email address and IP address are NOT made public.

I do use (through WordPress) Akismet  which “helps keep spam under control by filtering out spam comments” and google anayltics/Jetpack which helps gives stats as to how many ‘views’ each posts receives, and a very vague geographic location (i.e. what Country your IP address is listed in. Please  note, I can see nothing more than ‘Australia’ or ‘United States’ etc. Nothing specific is recorded or passed on to me.

For  more information about how wordpress (this host platform) collects and uses your data, please read this privacy notification: