Australian Authors

As a book lover, I read everything and anything and that’s the way I’ve always read. That said a few years ago I made a change to my reading habits by TRYING to read more AUSTRALIAN Authors, and thus support the local industry, as opposed to the hundreds of American and European authors that I’d been devouring. This decision has broadened my reading habits and lead me to a range of new voices and favourite authors.

It’s no secret that the book industry is changing, with the closing of many of the big bookstore chains (eg. Borders etc) a couple of years ago and the popularity of ebooks now, it’s harder for readers to retain the thousands of names and titles being thrown at them and to find the perfect book for them as they may not have heard about it yet. With all these changes happening, the one constant I’ve heard over the past two years (at author events, conventions, and even at work) is that more and more readers WANT to read AUSTRALIAN authors but they don’t know where to find them. This is where this list comes in. I’ve taken it upon myself to start a list of Australian Authors (both published in print and ebook, traditionally published and self-published, male and female), that might just help someone find a new Australian author to read and enjoy.

This list is by no means a complete list and it will forever be changing and updated regularly as I hear or am told about more and more Australian Authors. So feel free to add the names of anyone I’ve missed and please include their genre). But it’s a start, and that’s something.

On re-evaluation creating just one list of Australian Authors was too big of a task and post and so I divided the list into its smaller sub-genres (Romance, General Fiction & Literature, Crime/Mystery/Suspense,  Science Fiction/Fantasy, Historical Fiction & Non-Fiction, Young Adult/New Adult, Young Readers and Children’s.  In theory this should make it easier for readers to find an Australian Author in the genre of their choice.

I hope you find someone new to love from the various lists below.


Australian Authors – Romance 

Australian Authors – General Fiction & Literature

Australian Authors – Crime/Mystery/Suspense/Thrillers

Australian Authors- Science Fiction/Fantasy

Australian Authors – Historical Fiction & Non-Fiction

AustralianAuthors – Young Adult/New Adult

Australian Authors – Young Readers & Children


AS mentioned above, this is going to be an ongoing/never ending project of sorts, so feel free to comment below on this post, or any of the individual posts and let me know more Aussie authors to add to each list!





4 thoughts on “Australian Authors

  1. Elizabeth Cook says:

    Hello, loving your website and reading all your tips for writers.

    To be added to your list of Australian authors is Libby Gleeson.

    Her genre is pictures books (Big Dog), young children (small chapter books – Hannah’s Room) and slightly older as I read on her website.

    I have read some of her picture books and young children genre books but not from the slightly older genre. I heard Libby Gleeson speak at a Writers Festival and am a fan! Love her books.

    • Jess says:

      Hey Elizabeth,
      Thanks for stopping by. I adore Libby Gleeson’s books and can’t believe that I forgot to add her to the list. Thanks for the recommendation and heads up 🙂

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