Kell’s Bookmark Clique Christmas Long Lunch 2018

This past Sunday, I was fortunate enough to attend the annual Kell's Bookmark Clique Christmas themed long lunch/party alongside 32 avid romance readers and authors from all over the country; some of whom made the trek from as far as Queensland and Canberra for the fabulous event. This year, the lunch was held at  Casa Ristorante, … Continue reading Kell’s Bookmark Clique Christmas Long Lunch 2018

Let’s Talk Books With Kell From Kell’s Bookmark Clique and Sydney Author Event Organiser

Today I am super excited to introduce you all to a super excited and inspirational book lover Kell. Kell is not only a massive book advocate and reviewer, but she is blogger and founder of Kell's Bookmark Clique and one of the organisers of Sydney Author Event.  I recently had lunch with Kell and some … Continue reading Let’s Talk Books With Kell From Kell’s Bookmark Clique and Sydney Author Event Organiser