Summerween Readathon 2022: Try A Chapter & My Progress So Far

Summerween the readathon: Summerween is a readathon hosted by Oliviareadsalatte and Gabbyreads on Youtube and it runs from Friday 15th July to Friday 21st July 2022. Its designed as an excuse to read those spooky, Halloween-esque books during the Northern Hemisphere's summertime. Although there is a list of five prompts and a series of Instagram … Continue reading Summerween Readathon 2022: Try A Chapter & My Progress So Far

BLOGMAS 2021 | Festive Readathon & Historical Romance Readathon TBRs

This week I am participating in both @Stephloves TheFestive Readathon and @Laceybooklovers, @PeaceloveBooksxo and @Remarkablylisa's Historical Romance Readathon: The Holiday Edition. Normally, I would aim to complete the entire board, because I'm a bit extra like that, but as both readathons are running at exactly the same time, I'm aiming for at least one completed … Continue reading BLOGMAS 2021 | Festive Readathon & Historical Romance Readathon TBRs

BLOGMAS Day 12: Quick Reads & Tricks to Achieve Your 2020 Goodreads Goals

With the end of the year looming, today's Blogmas post is full of short and sweet tips/tricks to help your achieve your 2020 reading goals. While it's easy to get caught up in the numbers game, it's important to remember why you read. Are you reading for enjoyment? Entertainment? To be educated? Reading isn't about … Continue reading BLOGMAS Day 12: Quick Reads & Tricks to Achieve Your 2020 Goodreads Goals

Royal Readathon TBR #royalreadathon

#Royalreadathon is hosted by Booked and Busy and runs from Sunday 13th Septemeber to Sunday 20th September (8-day readathon). I'm super excited for this readathon as I ADORE royal romances and novels featuring royalty (and yet I don't particularly follow the British royal family in real life at all). So when I saw Jade … Continue reading Royal Readathon TBR #royalreadathon