‘Bad Romeo’ by Leisa Ravyen Discounted For Valentines Day! + Giveaway

You might be away, that I don’t usual post these kind of well sale/buy link posts on the blog. But I really can’t help doing so today, as one of my favourite books from last year is currently on sale for Valentines Day!! Do yourself a favour a grab a copy at the discounted price now while you can, because I promise you, you will not be disappointed with this book!!!

 While performing the greatest love story of all time, they discovered one of their own . . .

Cassie Taylor was just another good girl acting student. Ethan Holt was the bad boy on campus. Then one fated casting choice for Romeo and Juliet changed it all. Like the characters they were playing onstage, Cassie and Ethan’s epic romance seemed destined. Until it ended in tragedy when he shattered her heart.

Now they’ve made it to Broadway where they’re reunited as romantic leads once again – and their passionate scenes force them to confront the heartbreaking lows and pulse-pounding highs of their intense college affair. For Ethan, losing Cassie was his biggest regret-and he’s determined to redeem himself. But for Cassie, even though Ethan was her first and only great love, he hurt her too much to ever be trusted again. The trouble is, when it comes to love, sometimes it’s the things that aren’t good for us that are the most irresistible.

Don’t miss the intoxicating romance beloved by more than two million fans online.


*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*SALE ALERT*.✫*¨*.¸¸.✶*¨`*

Leisa Rayven’s hit Bad Romeo is on sale for a limited time. Get your hands on this masterpiece now!!!!

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LIQII86?keywords=leisa%20Rayven&qid=1455270531&ref_=mp_s_a_1_3_twi_kin_2&ref_=redir_mobile_desktop&sr=8-3



In honour of this amazing book being discounted for Valentines Day, I’m giving one lucky reader the chance to win a e-copy! Simply leave a comment below telling me what you will be reading this Valentines day weekend?

Entries close at Midnight Saturday 13th February, with winners contacted first thing Sunday morning. Best of luck everybody.

6 thoughts on “‘Bad Romeo’ by Leisa Ravyen Discounted For Valentines Day! + Giveaway

    • Jess says:

      I haven’t head of that one… *sneaks off to go look it up*
      I just finished Avril Tremayne’s ‘Escaping Mr Right’ and now have a mini book hangover because it was so good and I want something equally good now!

  1. legacy18 says:

    Hi Jess thank you so much I received the book and about First Touch you really need to read it I’m halfway through it and I can’t sleep at nights because I just kept thinking about what’s gonna happen next as soon as I’m finished with it ill start with Bad Romeo I read the reviews and they are great thanks so much once again

  2. legacy18 says:

    Hi Jess it’s me again I just tried downloading it from my email to my kindle and its not allowing me to download. It says “this title is not available for download in the United States”. I’ve never had this problem before so I’m not sure what’s wrong my email address is natasha_angel2009@yahoo.com
    If you’d like to get in touch with me personally. Thank you

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