Waiting On Wednesday: Cobalt Blue by Matthew Reilly

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted at Breaking the Spine. The purpose is to spotlight upcoming releases that we are excited for.


Matthew Reilly has been one of my favourite authors for years. I’ve read almost every book he has written, so when I saw he had a new book coming out, I pre-ordered this book quick stat. As usually Reilly’s synopsis give nothing away and he is being cagey on social media surrounding this book, so I am so keen to read this one.

Expected Publication: 2nd August 2022

Published by: Pan Macmillian Australia

For 35 years, the United States and Russia each had their own superhero.

Three days ago, America’s hero died.

Today will be bad.

In the face of an overwhelming attack, one young woman-unassuming and anonymous-might be America’s only hope.

Her codename … COBALT BLUE

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