BLOGMAS Day 8: Kell’s Bookmark Clique Christmas Lunch Wrap Up

  This past Sunday I was fortunate enough to attend Kell’s Bookmark Clique Christmas Long Lunch alongside 35 avid romance readers from all over the state. Sadly, due to COVID restrictions, border closures and general life stuff, a few familiar faces were missing this year. Despite all this, Kell out did herself, and organised perhaps … Continue reading BLOGMAS Day 8: Kell’s Bookmark Clique Christmas Lunch Wrap Up

Kell’s Bookmark Clique Christmas Long Lunch 2018

This past Sunday, I was fortunate enough to attend the annual Kell's Bookmark Clique Christmas themed long lunch/party alongside 32 avid romance readers and authors from all over the country; some of whom made the trek from as far as Queensland and Canberra for the fabulous event. This year, the lunch was held at  Casa Ristorante, … Continue reading Kell’s Bookmark Clique Christmas Long Lunch 2018

Kell’s Bookmark Clique Readers Retreat Take Two: The Hunter Valley

Earlier this year, you might recall that I attended the first ever Kell's Bookmark Clique Readers Retreat in Ettalong with 23 other book lovers. Well this weekend I'm gearing up to do much the same with the second ever Readers Retreat this time being held in the beautiful Hunter Valley. This time a group of … Continue reading Kell’s Bookmark Clique Readers Retreat Take Two: The Hunter Valley

Let’s Talk Books With Kell From Kell’s Bookmark Clique and Sydney Author Event Organiser

Today I am super excited to introduce you all to a super excited and inspirational book lover Kell. Kell is not only a massive book advocate and reviewer, but she is blogger and founder of Kell's Bookmark Clique and one of the organisers of Sydney Author Event.  I recently had lunch with Kell and some … Continue reading Let’s Talk Books With Kell From Kell’s Bookmark Clique and Sydney Author Event Organiser